
Photography Rant

I love cameras. I love taking pictures.
I think it really jump started when I first got my D80. I was snapping pictures left and right. Throughout time I learned the camera and grew as a (wannabe) photographer.

Now, DSLRs are the in-thing, even to folks who don't know a thing about photography. Granted, some folks really want to get started on learning, and I applaud them for that. But some folks don't even bother and treat their DSLR like their old Point and Shoot. Maybe they think that just because it's a DSLR, their pictures will be magically better?
I guess that's why they have so many different models out there. And the camera companies are making a killing off of them, so I guess that's a good thing.

I think what makes me angry the most is this: people taking 10 pictures of the same subject AND uploading ALL of them. There's only so much one can take of a frickin' lake, for example, or a statue, etc. It gets me angry and annoyed. When scanning through pics that friends upload of their latest trip, I think it's annoying that out of the 500 shots they took, there are only 20 notable or unique shots.
I rant because I was one of those people; take pictures of anything and everything, not really taking into account my subject(s), and uploading all of them. I've grown to dislike my old habits (photography, etc), and even more so when I see other people doing them.

Lately, I try to take pictures with the intent on making each one unique. That means, each picture having its own subject. I believe, as someone who would browse through newly uploaded pics, that it's important for each picture to be looked at for more than a few seconds.
In other words, I wouldn't want a visitor to think "Flower...same flower...same flower, but with flash...same flower but from the left side...".
Rather, I want a visitor to look at each picture, and have a different experience with each one.

I'm seriously thinking of browsing through my Flickr and delete every single 'duplicate' just because it annoys me a lot. I hate having to shuffle through pages and pages of the same subject.

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