
Busy month

It's been a busy month.

At the start of this month was the 佐世保市中学校体育大会, or the Sasebo City-wide Jr. High Sports Festival. It's basically where all the Jr.Highs of Sasebo choose their representatives from their appropriate sports clubs and compete against sports clubs of other schools. It was an intense first day (our boys and girls tennis, volleyball, soccer, and table tennis clubs kicked butt). However, only the tennis clubs made it to day three. The trade-off for showing up for "work" on the weekend was 代休, or compensatory day off. So basically, the rest of the week was a two-and-a-half workweek (Wednesday, Thursday, and half-day Friday). It was a good week, followed by Kim's birthday celebration on Friday.
Good times with new friends.

The next week was Sara's birthday celebration in Sasebo, followed by more laughs at Chants in Saza. All this was proceeded by a visit to the theater and viewing of Episode Yellow (the latest Kamen Rider movie). Love being able to catch movies in the theaters here before fansubbers and internet downloaders get their paws on them.
On the downside, we get U.S. movies really late over here. I was finally able to watch Iron Man 2 last Tuesday.

The next big event WAS going to be the FO'CHO Music Festival/event, but was cancelled due to the JLPT. Oh well, the 4th of July should have some fun celebrations going on.

All that's left is Ranburyuu practice and our two July performances.

Too lazy to really post any details today. So I'll leave this entry at this.

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