

Congratulations to my sister, Remilla. She just graduated this past week. In addition, she held a successful art show a few days prior. I REALLY wanted to see it, especially after the pictures of it friends and family have been posting. I especially want to see the results of the project she was conducting in Japan. It started as an impromptu experiment that evolved into something brilliant.

She started in Hong Kong, if I remember correctly. She asked a few girls, who for unknown reasons were giving out 'free hugs', why they were giving them out. They answered something along the lines of 'Because it will make people happy.'

When we were in Tokyo, a few days later, at this awesome cafe in Nakano called Karma, she asked the waiter (or had me ask because he couldn't speak English) about what makes him happy at the end of a tough day, like a favorite food or something. He answered 'a nice bowl of ramen makes me happy at the end of a hectic day.'

Basically, every answer was the first step for the next question she would ask the next person. Seems like she was intending the project to turn out to be something that shows how people are connected in different ways. It was a super cool idea! I don't know if she kept that theme for the final result though. I still would've loved to see it!

Congrats Chi!

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