
乱舞龍 Happenings

There are a ton of children in Emukae Ranburyuu. They are either my elementary school students, junior high students, or kids 5 years and younger. I saw one of the 4 year old boys walking towards me, and so I say "Hello" on instinct. Here's what followed.

Me: Hello!
Boy: *blank stare* HELLO じゃねぇよ!*assumes fighting stance*
Me: Huh?
Boy: ゴセイキック!*proceeds to punch and kick me*
Me: ゴセイジャ?何色?
Boy: Tシャツが黒と白だから、ボクはゴセイナイト!*starts doing roundhouse kicks in his area*

HAHAHA it was so funny! OK so here's a translation.

Me: Hello!
Boy: Don't Hello me!
Me: Huh?
Boy: Gosei Kick!
Me: Goseiger? What color?
Boy: My T-shirt's black and white, so I'm GoseiKnight!

In case you didn't know, Goseiger is this season's Super Sentai, or Power Rangers as we Americans call them. And GoseiKnight is, of course, one of the heroes. Seeing a child imitating his favorite super hero takes me back to my own days as a kid and how I used to pretend I was Godzilla and Hulk Hogan.

Good times. I love kids.

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